Toni Pavic from Livno, as the eleventh candidate, had training in the Internet journalism, which was carried out as part of the project “Internet as a tool for empowering the weak and silent voices of people with disabilities” in the period from 03.06.2024. until 07.06.2024.
Toni was handed a laptop as well as accompanying equipment for training and permanent use.
This was followed by a part of the training that was held online, during which the lecturer was available to the candidate for questions and help with content creation.
Thanks to the acquired knowledge, Toni created a video that also contains segments of his amazing musical performances.
We thank Tony and look forward to see his new achievements, telling us stories in the most beautiful way possible through music as it is shown in the link:
The project “Internet as a tool for empowering the weak and silent voices of people with disabilities” is led by the Internet Society in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and is financed by the Internet Society Foundation.