The training of the sixth candidate was held in Banja Luka within the ongoing project

Picture 1. Training participant Dejan Grgić during training for independent computer work with lecturer Hamdo Kentra

Dejan Grgić, a student from Gradiška, was selected as the sixth participant in the training in Internet journalism, which is implemented as part of the project “Internet as a tool for empowering the voices of people with disabilities” funded by the Internet Society Foundation.

The training was held from 16.10. until 20.10.2023. in Banja Luka, where Dejan is currently studying. Accordingly, Dejan was handed a laptop and accompanying equipment for training purposes and permanent use.

Thanks to the training, Dejan Grgić can independently record video content, process video material, use YouTube Studio to publish videos, and record the computer screen via Xbox. Part of the training is dedicated to training in the use of speech programs JAWS and NVDA, given the limited prior knowledge.

During the training, Dejan independently recorded, edited, and published his first video on his YouTube channel, which can be viewed at the link:

Additionally, like the previous candidates, in the coming period, Dejan Grgić has the task of making video content for the needs of the project and publishing it.

The project “Internet as a tool for empowering the weak and silent voices of people with disabilities” is led by the Internet Society in Bosnia and Herzegovina and is financed by the Internet Society Foundation.

Picture 2. Training participant Dejan Grgić during training for independent computer work with lecturer Hamdo Kentra
Picture 2. Training participant Dejan Grgić during training for independent computer work with lecturer Hamdo Kentra
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