The third blind candidate for training within the project “Strengthening the Internet without restrictions for the blind” is Ms. Mufida Balta from Breza.
Ms. Balta had no previous experience with the use of computers and speech programs for the blind. In an interview before the training began, she expressed a wish that she would like to learn how to use a computer to search the Internet and Youtube, read digital books and communicate via e-mail.
The first part of the training lasting 25 hours was held in the period 17.01 – 21.10.2022 in Mufida’s apartment in Breza. Although she has completed only four grades of primary school and has never been a beneficiary of any additional education for the blind, Ms. Balta has shown great potential in understanding and using digital technologies. The typing on the keyboard and use of computer expressions were completely unknown to her before, but after only three days of training Ms. Balta learned to find the book she wanted, copy it and prepare it for herself to read. During the first part of the training, Ms. Balta showed enough knowledge to be able to continue the planned online education process.
The training, as always, was harmonized with the prior knowledge of the candidate. The common items which the trainings include are learning the basics of computers, learning Windows and voice commands, working with the keyboard, organizing folders and files, shortcuts, writing in Notepad, using Google Chrome, working with YouTube and voice search, creating e-mails, finding, and opening incoming messages.
Blind candidates like Ms. Balta have great enthusiasm and will that allow them to successfully overcome all above items in the projected period. Like other candidates, Ms. Balta received a laptop for training and permanent use.
We mention that the project “Strengthening the Internet without restrictions for the blind” is led by the Association Internet Society in Bosnia and Herzegovina and is funded by the Internet Society Foundation within the Beyond the Net Large Grant Programme.