The training of the eighth candidate was held in Gacko within the current project

Predavač Hamdo Kentra uručuje laptop Danieli Rajković

Daniela Rajković, a blind girl from Gacko, was selected as the eighth participant in the training in Internet journalism, which is being implemented as part of the current project.

The training was held from 11.12. to 15.12.2023. in Gacko, in the premises of the Center for Social Work. In this regard, we would like to thank the director of the Center for Social Work, Ms. Aleksandra Milović, who, recognizing the importance of the training for Daniela Rajković, provided the necessary space for the training.

Daniela was given a laptop and necessary equipment for training purposes and permanent use, and at the beginning of the training Daniela created her YouTube channel together with the instructor Hamdo Kentra.

Thanks to the training, Daniela is able to independently record, edit and publish video content on her YouTube channel, which will give her the opportunity to share her skills with the audience.

During the training, Daniela independently recorded, edited and published her first video on her YouTube channel, which can be viewed at the link:

In the coming period, Daniela has the task of making a video contribution.

The project “Internet as a tool for empowering the weak and silent voices of people with disabilities” is led by the Internet Society in Bosnia and Herzegovina and is financed by the Internet Society Foundation.

Training participant Daniela Rajković during training for Internet journalism with lecturer Hamdo Kentra
Figure 2. Training participant Daniela Rajković during training for Internet journalism with lecturer Hamdo Kentra
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