On May 16, 2024. in the Grand Hotel Tuzla in Tuzla, a panel was held by the Internet Society in Bosnia and Herzegovina in partnership with the Association of Visually Impaired Citizens Tuzla, funded by the Internet Society Foundation.
By organizing the panel, we joined the celebration of the Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD – Global Accessibility Awareness Day, https://accessibility.day/events/) and thereby contributed to raising awareness of the obstacles faced by people with disabilities, as well as the opportunities that digital technologies offer.
During the panel, the results of the project “Internet as a tool for empowering the weak and silent voices of people with disabilities” funded by the Internet Society Foundation were presented.
On that occasion, a joint video was shown in which ten blind people from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina, after completing the training, presented their works that they recorded, edited and publicly published (https://youtu.be/J9FQtOI03tE). Their contribution to the media space and inclusion is very significant because blind people through the very process of creating content managed to overcome the obstacles of digital inaccessibility.
Candidates who underwent training spoke on the panel about the importance of access to the Internet and access to information and communication technologies, which was additionally emphasized by the president of the Association of Blind and Visually Impaired Persons of Posavska Orašje County, Mr. Zvonko Baotić.
Representatives of the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation in Tuzla participated in the panel. Prof. dr. sci. Vesna Bratovčić presented the presentation “Harvesting (digital) Alternation in Ways that Knock-down Inaccessibility of New Generations – HAWKING”, while prof. dr. sci. Senad Mehmedinović presented the presentation “The importance of accessibility in the independence and employment of persons with disabilities”.
Prof. dr. sci. Aljo Mujčić from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Tuzla gave an overview of the importance of assistive technologies for the independent life of people with disabilities.
The moderator of the panel was prof. Haris Omeragić.
You can find more information about the panel, as well as the inspiring stories of the panel participants, in the press releases, to which we hereby thank.
web portal klix. https://www.klix.ba/vijesti/bih/inspirativni-sarajlija-hamdo-kentra-je-slijepi-programer-koji-kreira-posebne-aplikacije/240516126
RTV 7, https://rtv7.ba/arhive/357410
RTV Slon, https://www.rtvslon.ba/put-ka-digitalnoj-inkluziji-osnazivanje-glasova-osoba-s-invaliditetom/