Ervin Ćosić, a completely blind person, was selected as the fifth attendee of the training in Internet journalism, which is implemented within the project “Internet as a tool for empowering the voices of people with disabilities” financed by the Internet Society Foundation.
The training was held from 01.10. until 06.10.2023. in the family home in Čelić. On that occasion, Ervin was handed a laptop and accompanying equipment for training purposes and permanent use.
Ervin Ćosić showed great interest and rapid progress during the training. Now he can independently record, edit, and publish video content on his YouTube channel, which will give him the opportunity to share his skills with the audience. The training was focused on the more advanced recording techniques, including recording with the help of mobile phones with voice support adapted for recording videos and working with the Xbox application.
In the following period, Ervin is going to prepare video content in the scope of the project and publish it.
Ervin Ćosić’s training attracted media attention. By participation of Ervin Ćosić and lecturer Hamda Kentra in the open program of radio television RTV7 Tuzla, a contribution was made to raising awareness of the importance of information and communication technologies and the Internet in improving the quality of life of people with disabilities.
The project “Internet as a tool for empowering the weak and silent voices of people with disabilities” is led by the Internet Society in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and is financed by the Internet Society Foundation.