The second phase of the implementation of the project “Enhancing the barrier-free Internet through the blind people empowerment”, which is led by the Internet Society in Bosnia and Herzegovina within the Beyond the Net Large Grant Program, financed by the Internet Society Foundation, is underway. In the first phase, trainings were held for six candidates who successfully mastered the material, and three candidates were chosen from among them who will, as lecturers, be able to train other blind persons. One of these elected candidates is Klara Vujnić from Banja Luka.
Klara Vujnić, as a lecturer, held a training session for Tanja Latinović from Kostajnica. Tanja Latinović is a completely blind person who currently lives and studies in Banja Luka.
In the first part of the training, from June 20th to June 24th, 2022, 25 classes were held, during which Tanja showed seriousness in her work, full interest and understanding.
Classes were organized in such a way as to acquire basic knowledge from the following thematic units: pedagogical methods in the training of blind people (beginners) to work on a computer, use of Jaws and NVDA speech programs and localized synthesis, work with Windows explorer, work with 7-Zip archiver, remote computer control, using the Google Chrome browser, download files from the server, working with e-mails and using attachments, work with text editors; NotePad, WordPad, Microsoft Word, work with Microsoft Excel, using Windows Media Player, using Youtube.
Tanja showed enough knowledge to continue the planned pool of classes online. Skype and Viber were used for this purpose.
In addition to the basics that were planned in this training, Tanja is interested in expanding her knowledge and she would be pleased if advanced training courses in using PCs and Internet for blind persons could be held.