Training of the sixth candidate for independent work on a computer within the project “Enhancing the barrier-free Internet through the blind people empowerment”

Lecturer Hamdo Kentra hands over a laptop to Sedina Dragunić.

The sixth participant in the training for computer work for the blind within the project “Enhancing the barrier-free Internet through the blind people empowerment” is Sedina Dragunić, a completely blind person, who lives in Vogošća. Sedina was already familiar with the existence of speech applications for the blind and expressed a desire to learn how to use some of the new applications so that as a blind person she could more easily use a computer and facilitate Internet access.

During the first part of the training, Sedina showed high commitment and acquired enough knowledge to be able to continue the planned process of online education. On this occasion, as with previous trainees, we are impressed by the maximum engagement of trainees during the training, their great will and interest in acquiring new knowledge.

With the completion of the training of the sixth candidate, the first phase of the project “Enhancing the barrier-free Internet through the blind people empowerment” led by the Internet Society in Bosnia and Herzegovina under the Beyond the Net Large Grant Program, funded by the Internet Society Foundation.

Of the six candidates who have had training so far, the following participants have been selected as new lectures: Klara Vujnić, Tifa Tučić, and Martina Stanić. As planned, their training will include additional training for trainers, and then, as three new trainers, they will conduct training for three new trainees in the coming period.

Training participant Sedina Dragunić applies acquired computer skills with the help of lecturer Hamdo Kentra.
Training participant Sedina Dragunić applies acquired computer skills with the help of lecturer Hamdo Kentra.
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