Visit of representatives of the ISOC Foundation to the Internet Society in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Posjeta predstavnika ISOC fondacije gđi Mufidi Balta, koja je uspješno završila obuku rada na računaru u okviru projekta finansiranog od strane ISOC fondacije.

In the period from 14.11. – 15.11.2022. representatives of the ISOC Foundation (Internet Society Foundation) visited the Internet Society in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The aim of the visit was to review the results of the project “Enhancing the barrier-free Internet thorugh the blind people empowerment” which was implemented by our association Internet Society in Bosnia and Herzegovina thanks to the financial support within the grant of the ISOC Foundation called the Beyond the Net Large Grant program.

On the first day, a consultative meeting was held during which the plans and activities of the Internet Society in Bosnia and Herzegovina were presented, with a focus on the report on the implemented project.

On the second day, representatives of the ISOC Foundation, together with representatives of the Internet Society in Bosnia and Herzegovina, visited Mrs. Mufida Balta from Breza. Ms. Balta is one of nine blind people who successfully completed computer training and were assigned a laptop for permanent use. Ms. Balta praised the way the training was organized, she emphasized the importance of the pedagogical approach and the knowledge of the lecturer, Mr. Hamda Kentra. Additionally, she expressed her satisfaction that she had the opportunity to present her experiences and problems faced by a blind woman in the role of housewife and mother during the panel held on the occasion of Global Awareness Accessibility Day with a focus on digital accessibility (GAAD – Global Awareness Accessibility Day ) at the invitation of the Internet Society in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Representatives of the ISOC foundation praised the work of the association and the results achieved within the mission of “Internet for all”. Representatives of the Internet Society in Bosnia and Herzegovina expressed their satisfaction with the visit and emphasized their commitment to the mission of “Internet for all” and readiness for new challenges.

Presentation of the activities of the Internet Society Association in Bosnia and Herzegovina to representatives of the ISOC Foundation.
Presentation of the activities of the Internet Society Association in Bosnia and Herzegovina to representatives of the ISOC Foundation.
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